• Tastes like a beer that someone already threw up.
  • Is like a liquid John Mayer song.
  • It tastes like the flat soda that a homeless guy used to rinse off birds.
  • You mean the beer that tastes like water strained from a gutter full of dogs teeth?
  • Tastes like the scared urine of a rabbit.
  • It’s like Steven Segal’s pre-cum.
  • If a nickel could urniate, it would taste like Bud Light.
  • Tastes like the ghost of a dead lemon.
  • It’s basically like if water could go bad.
  • It tastes like if a raccoon ejaculated carbonated vinegar inside of an old log.
  • Tastes like butter churned by Boko Haram.
  • It’s like someone drank a good Mexican beer and pissed in this bottle.
  • It’s like a cloud rained the tears of a sick child.
  • It’s like making a tea out of dipping Scott Caan’s balls in water.
  • Tastes like all the used bronzer in Wildwood, NJ.
  • It tastes like Robert Durst’s aquarium.
  • It tastes like antifreeze that’s been filtered through a used yoga mat.
  • It tastes like ISIS attacked your taste buds.
  • You know the disappointment that your parents feel for you still working in this job? That’s what Bud Light tastes like.

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