As a developer, it is typical that you will need to work with many languages, as well as many different releases of those programming languages.

The OS that you use will typically have a version of ruby, node, or python installed for use by other OS modules. Overriding this installation by sudo installing ruby, node, or other programming language interpreters is not a good idea! Instead, you will want to install these tools local to your user account.

Here are my preferred Programming Language Version Management Tools that take care of this process for you.

Ruby: chruby and ruby-install


$ brew install chruby ruby-install  # or wget install script & execute
$ ruby-install ruby-2.5.1  # install other versions, once complete

Add the appropriate configuration to your shell configuration file.

Switch Version in current shell session

$ chruby ruby-2.5.1

Switch Versions per project

$ echo "ruby-2.5.1" > ~/code/my-project/.ruby-version

Install a Ruby Package (gem)

$ gem install bundler

[chruby homepage]

[ruby-install homepage]

[ruby homepage]

Node: nvm


$ brew install nvm  # or curl and execute install script
$ nvm install node  # or v8.11.2

Add the appropriate configuration to your shell initialization file.

Switch Version in current shell session

$ nvm use v8.11.2

Switch Version per project

$ echo "8.11.2" > ~/code/my-project/.nvmrc
$ nvm use

Install a Node Package

$ npm install -g uuid

Run a Node Package

$ npx create-react-app weatherstation

[nvm homepage]

Python: pyenv


$ brew install pyenv
$ pyenv install 2.7.15
$ pyenv install 3.7.2  # and other versions

Add the appropriate configuration to your shell initialization file.

Switch Version per project

$ echo "3.7.2" > ~/code/my-project/.python-verson  # or
$ pyenv local 3.7.2

Install a Python Package (egg)

$ pip install beautifulsoup

[pyenv homepage]